401k for your employees

Secure Your Employee's Future with 401(k) Plans

Expertly Managed Retirement Solutions Tailored to Your Needs

Experience the Beneficient Advantage

401K plans offer a smart, flexible way to plan for retirement. With our experienced team guiding you, we help businesses and employees navigate the path to financial security.

Personalized Planning

Work closely with our financial experts to craft a 401K plan tailored to your goals, risk tolerance, and timeline.

Diverse Investments

Choose from a wide array of investment options to align with your financial strategy and maximize growth potential.

Ongoing Management

Our seasoned team actively manages and monitors your 401K, adjusting strategies as needed to ensure optimal performance.

Easy Access & Control

Enjoy user-friendly online access to your 401K account, with tools to track performance, make adjustments, and gain insights.

Education & Support

Receive continuous support and educational resources, empowering you to make informed decisions about your retirement planning.

Education & Support

Receive continuous support and educational resources, empowering you to make informed decisions about your retirement planning.

Dedicated Support

Count on our experienced support team to provide personalized support whenever you or your employees need it.

The process is easy!


Employer Consultation

Schedule a consultation to discuss your company’s specific needs, goals, and budget.


Educate Employees

Beneficient will provide educational resources, workshops, and individual support to help your employees understand and engage with their new retirement benefits.


Ongoing Support

Enjoy peace of mind as Beneficient’s professionals actively oversee the investments, aligning strategies with changing financial landscapes.

Success Stories from Our Clients

Hear firsthand how our 401(k) plans have transformed businesses like yours.

Codey Joyner

UrbanAcres, LLC


Outsourcing our payroll to Beneficient was a game-changer. The time and cost savings have been remarkable, and their support team is second to none.

Eren Hill

H&H Legal Partners


Beneficient’s customized solutions and seamless integration have made payroll a breeze. Their dedication to accuracy and compliance gives us total peace of mind.

Emanuel Sadler



The team at Beneficient truly understands our unique needs. Their expertise and ongoing support have helped us focus on growth, knowing our payroll is in good hands.

Participation Boost
0 %
Employer Matching
0 %
Investment Options

You ask, we answer

At Beneficient, we understand that navigating retirement solutions can be complex. Browse our frequently asked questions to find insightful responses to common inquiries, or reach out to our expert team for personalized assistance. We’re here to guide you every step of the way.

Employer matching involves contributing an additional amount to an employee’s 401(k), typically based on a percentage of the employee’s own contributions. Matching encourages employee participation and can be structured in various ways to fit your budget and goals.

Yes, Beneficient’s expert team ensures that your 401(k) plan is in full compliance with all federal and state regulations, reducing legal risks and administrative burdens.

Beneficient provides comprehensive education and support, including workshops, one-on-one consultations, and accessible online resources to help employees make informed decisions about their retirement planning

Yes, there are costs involved in administering a 401(k) plan. Beneficient offers transparent pricing and can work with you to create a cost-effective solution that aligns with your budget and the value you want to provide to your employees.

Empower Your Business

Choosing to work with Beneficient means placing your trust in a partner committed to your success. We offer more than just benefits, 401k and payroll services. we offer an integrated benefits and payroll management solution that will produce better results and happier employees. Our team of experts is here to support and guide you every step of the way. Experience the Beneficient difference and elevate your business to new heights.